The recorded attendees are as follows:
Arvin Harsh
Rita Harsh
Cate Johnson – Office of Congressman Mollohan
Chris Strovel – Shelley Moore Capitol’s Office
Stephen Smoot
Gary Howell
Evelyn Baker
David R. Parker\Charles Baker
Wayne Spiggle
Liz Beaver
Craig Jennings
At 1:00 p.m., following a luncheon period, Chairman Craig Jennings, County
Commissioner from
Mr. Jennings stated that in the past, Gary Howell has been providing the secretary duties of the Association. However, it has been agreed by members that the elected Chairperson would be responsible to provide a secretary. An account has been set up and each county will contribute $500. to assist with expenses.
Mr. Jennings introduced Dianna Hartman, Administrative Secretary to the Preston County Commission, who is today recording the minutes.
It was appropriately moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2009 meeting.
There was no correspondence for consideration.
Under Old Business, Mr. Harsh advised that nothing has yet been done on the intersection of WV24/US50, in the
Cate Johnson stated that Congressman Mollohan’s Office will also contact the state concerning this project.
Craig Jennings will also have the Preston County Commission to send another letter to the appropriate officials.
In reference to the Little Cacapon Road, while the District Engineer has advised that money has been appropriated for that project, nothing seems to be happening at this time. The project was to be done last year.
Under New Business, Mr. Jennings asked for discussion of 2010 goals. It is his wish to get
It is believed that with the completion of Corridor H, there should be money available for some of the feeder roads.
Mr. Harsh believes that Route 219 leading into Thomas should also be looked at.
Mr. Howell stated that he would like a goal of 2010 to be to continue 4-laning some areas, particularly from
Mr. Parker said he believes communication with the federals is quite important.
Gary Howell said it is important to get National Guard units involved for emergency evacuations and national security. These plans should be implemented.
He believes it would be beneficial if both state and federal delegates could attend meetings.
There was discussion on what dates and times would be best for Association meetings. Some suggested that perhaps a night meeting should be considered.
Mr. Spiggle moved, seconded by Mr. Harsh to hold Route US 50 Association meetings the first Tuesday of odd months, with the time for the next meeting to be determined by Chairman Jennings, after consulting with Brian Carr and Bill Woods as to their availability. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Jennings is going to work hard to get
There were no specific regional issues.
Under citizens concerns, Mr. Harsh extended special recognition to Mr. Spiggle and Mr. Howell for bringing this group together for the improvement of all. They deserve a special thanks. All were in agreement.
Gary Howell announced that
The meeting in
There being no further comments or business, Chairman Jennings declared the meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.