Recorded Attendees: Gary Howell – Mineral County Planning Commission, David Stemple – Preston County, Delores Stemple – Preston County, Evelyn Baker-Hampshire County, James Baker-Hampshire County, Wayne Spiggle-Mineral County Commission, Richard Fagley-Garrett County, Mona Ridder-Cumberland Times-News, Bob Fisher MDSHA, Lotta Neer – Congressman Mollohan’s Office, Robert Hott – Hampshire County Commission, Floyd Ziegler, Arvin Harsa – Preston County, Dave Price – Preston County Commission, Brian Carr – WVDOH Charleston, Larry Weaver – WVDOH Preston County, Norse Angus – WVDOH Charleston, William Wood – WVDOH Charleston, Brenda Frantz – Congressman Bartlett’s Office, Susan Kresley - MDVA.
Opening & Introductions: Lunch took place at the Melanie’s in Aurora, WV. Wayne Spiggle welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1 PM.
Old Business: Brian Carr of WVDOH Charleston presented the group with a set of maps showing accident data accumulated along the length of US 50 between I-79 and the Virginia state line. This data is to help Ken Musgrave create an online map, so they public can be made more aware of the accident hot spots. Evelyn Baker stated that Hampshire County had the same information that is included in the WVDOH data, and said that is would be available. Gary Howell mentioned that US 50 between WV 93 and WV 42 in Mineral County was closed due an accident the previous night. The location of the accident is one that has been identified as needing upgraded for safety.
New Business: Gregory Bailey of the WVDOH Engineering section contacted the group via Gary Howell with a request the US 50 Association be an agency on which the FWHA (Federal Highway Administration) call up on for environmental and socioeconomic impact data concerning the US 220 north-south corridor. The US 50 group is the only active citizens group in the north-south corridor area that has been actively studying traffic patterns and conditions.
Norse Angus of WVDOH gave a presentation on the north-south corridor, stating that the possible routes had been narrowed to 3 of the original 5. As an FHWA identified agency, the US 50 association would be asked to identify possible problems that could delay construction of the north-south corridor. These may include such things as unknown historical sites and traffic patterns that would be known to locals, but not those in Charleston or Annapolis. The group agreed this was a good idea and to move forward on this request.
Bill Woods of WVDOH stated that in about 1 year the Tier 1 study on the north-south corridor would be nearing completion and this would narrow the route to a single 4000 ft wide study area for Tier 2. At this time no funding has been secured for the Tier 2 study. The funding for Tier 2 will have to come from the Federal Government.
Mona Ridder asked about funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission, and that Senator Sarbanes had introduced a bill requesting that. Gary Howell stated the in 2005 Sarbanes had introduced Senate Bill S.719 to make the north-south US 220 route, “Corridor O” of the Appalachian Development Highway System. In 2006 Congressman Mollohan introduced the same bill as HR.5031. Neither Bill moved forward.
Mr. Howell then asked Congressman Mollohan’s (D) representative, Lotta Neer, if Congressman Mollohan could re-introduce the bill, and if Congressman Bartlett’s (R) representative, Brenda Frantz, could request that congressman Bartlett co-sponsor the bill giving the bill bipartisan support and a better chance of moving forward. Both stated they would take the request back to the congressmen.
Citizen Concerns: Arvin Harsa stated that some trees overhanging US 50 had been removed, but there were more that posed a hazard. Larry Weaver of WVDOH stated many times power lines prevent the state from clearing the trees and then the responsibility falls on the power company to clear the trees. Problems occur when it is unclear who is required to clear the trees.
The group was reminded the US 50 coast to coast yard sale will be held May 18th through May 20th along the length of the road. The town of Aurora will be holding Heritage Days and the Stone House in Mineral County will be holding a fund raiser during the yard sale.
March Meeting:
Garrett County is next on the schedule to host the July 18th meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:04.