Penn Alps,
Garrett County Commissioner Dave Beard welcomed the group to his home
county and gave a quick verbal tour.
Introductions and Agenda
Wayne Spiggle as facilitator made the introductions and introduced the
The group approved the minutes from the
New Members
Spiggle led conversation about increasing the group to include Barbour
County, WV who has not had any representation until this point.
Naming of 2-state portion of Rt. 50
Naming of the 2-state portion of Rt. 50 was discussed extensively.
Northwestern Turnpike,
suggested. It was also noted that this group was not a democracy and
was ruled by consensus. Commissioner Dave Beard made a motion to table
this issue, Les Shoemaker seconded and the group agreed.
Scenic By-way Task Force
Deb Clatterbuck reported that the Scenic Byway Task Force had met on
July 14th and discussed the Federal Scenic Byways program. The most
significant benefit in being a Byway is the 80/20 match of funds from
the federal government. There are strict sign regulations such as been
brought to light by the George’s Creek Coal Heritage Trail. The Task
Force recommends tabling this issue until dual lane and alternate
routes can be reviewed which may leave portions of the original
roadbeds to be designated as Scenic By-ways.
The Task Force then discussed the need to lobby the politicians on
state ands federal levels to gain support for our project at this
crucial political time. The group decided to change the Scenic Byway
Task Force to the Rt. 50 Federal Liaison Committee to gather political
support for initiatives and future funding. Deb Clatterbuck will chair
this committee.
Rt. 50 Study
Discussion was led by Brian Carr, WVDOT, on the 3 layers of roadway
enhancements. Traffic dictates improvements; decisive factors are
accidents, passing problems, bridges, straightening curves, high volume
intersections and turn lanes. A 3-tier goal system in more successful.
Smaller projects like turning and passing lanes seem to be more
immediate. Mid-grade projects such as realignment of roadways and
bridges take more time and money. High level projects like 4-lane
roadways require the most planning.
Senator Jon Hunter and Taylor County DOT Larry Weaver pointed out that
building roadways does not always bring growth.
still hosts a 4-lane section that has not been developed. Grady
Bradfield suggested using existing road as 2-lane in one direction and
building a second parallel roadway for opposing traffic.
Brian Carr stated there was a need to gather info including roadway
classifications, arterial route priorities, design criteria, expected
level of service opportunities, effects of Corridor H, highway capacity
analysis, high hazard study, 20 years of traffic reports and the impact
on Economic Development along the route.
Dave Moe made a motion that the group support a long term goal for a
4-lane roadway that would meet or exceed the existing plan for the
multi-state area of
Bradfield seconded and it carried.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on
Wayne Spiggle adjourned the meeting at