Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mineral County Meeting Minutes - November 19th, 2008


September 17, 2008

Recorded Attendees: Gary Howell – Mineral County, Wayne Spiggle-Mineral County Commission, Arvin Harsh – Preston County, Bill Wood – WVDOH – Charleston, Mona Ridder – MCDA, Brian Carr – WVDOH, Liz Beavers – News Tribune, Janice LaRue – Mineral County Commission, Betty Spiggle – MinCo, Bob Hatfield – Self, Bill Ross – Grant County EDO, Cate Johnson – Congressman Mollohan’s Office, Chris Strovel – Congresswoman Capito’s office.

Introductions: Mineral County Commissioner Wayne Spiggle opened the meeting and made the introductions welcoming everyone to the meeting. He made special mention of Bob Hatfield who is doing photography along US 50 for a book.

Correspondence: None

Old/New Business: The intersection of US 50 and WV 24 was discussed and the possibility of reducing the speed limit through the intersection to 40 mph from its current 55 mph. Bill Wood of WVDOH said he would follow through with the request to see if it is feasible.

Gary Howell presented a draft of the US 50 brochure. The brochure includes a brief history of the highway and US 50 Association. It includes attractions located along the route as well as contact information for both the group and the Visitor Bureaus’ in each county along the route. Also included are photos from 1942 and 2008 of Macomber turn.

Wayne Spiggle asked if the fact the group was started by the county commissions of each county along the route could be added. He asked Mona Ridder to work with Gary Howell on that. Arvin Harsh asked that the Aurora Heritage Store be added to the list. Gary Howell asked if matching funds from the WV Tourism Office could be used to fund producing the brochure. Bill Wood of WVDOH said that money from WVDOH is also available. Wayne Spiggle asked Mona Ridder of MCDA to look into funding the project since it will help with tourism and economic development.

The reintroduction of H.R. 4827 was discussed. Cate Johnson of Congressman Mollohan’s (WV-1) office request the group make a formal request by letter and Chris Strovel of Congresswoman Shelley Capito’s (WV-2) office stated a request to co-sponsor the Mollohan bill should be sent as well. Gary Howell asked that the group request the bill be reintroduced for the next congressional session and add Maryland Congressman Roscoe Bartlett to the co-sponsor request. That idea was approved. This bi-partisan bill will provide Appalachian Development Highway System money for a US 220 north-south corridor between Corridor H (US 48) and Interstate 68. The connection could construct a section of US 50 as a 4-lane where US 50 and US 220 overlap.

Bill Woods explained that extending WV 93 was stalled due to a retirement and an interim director of that division. He expects no problem once the new director takes over and the new northern terminus of WV 93 will be at the intersection of US 220 at the Blue Jay Bridge when the project is completed.

Bill Woods of WVDOH indicated that US 50 is no longer closed on the east side of Bridgeport. However, short term one lane closures may occur as work is completed on that section of US 50.

On the US 220 North-South Corridor it is expected that the Tier 1 study will be completed in the spring. Maryland has funded their portion of Tier 2, but West Virginia has not. The group asked the Federal Representatives if this is something they could help with. They said it was, but he request needed to come from the Governors office. The association decided to draft a letter to the Governor requesting that he requested funding for the Tier 2 study, so that it may begin when the Tier 1 study is completed.

Gary Howell asked if the local DOH could periodically work on removing earth in areas were there are sharp turns. Over time this would allow the road to be straightened. Brian Carr of WVDOH stated that the state does not like to take out single turns as this gives people a false sense that the rest of the road will be better. This increases the likelihood that they will wreck on the next turn. Gary responded that following that philosophy no turns would ever be removed anywhere. WVDOH did agree to look at two turns in Mineral County were local crews had removed earth allowing turns to be straightened. One is located just east of Knobley Rd on US 50, the other just west of Dorsey’s Curve at the pull off area on Allegheny Front.

November Meeting:

Grant County is next on the schedule to host the January 21, 2009 meeting a t a place to be determined.

Meeting Adjourned at 1:57

Tentative Meeting Schedule

19 November 2008 - Mineral County

21 January 2009 – Grant County

18 March 2009 – Garrett County

15 July 2009 – Preston County

16 September 2009 – Taylor County

18 November 2009 – Hampshire County

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mineral County Meeting Agenda November 19th, 2008

November 19th, 2008

Mineral County Meeting Agenda

Flying W Restaurant

US 50 West
Burlington, WV 26710

I. 12:00 Lunch

II. 1:00 Introductions

III. Minutes of Previous Meeting

IV. Correspondence

V. Old Business

a. US 50 brochure – Gary Howell

b. WV 93 Extension Update – Bill Woods

c. US 50 Harrison County Closure Update – Brian Carr

d. NHS US 220 Corridor Route Update – Brian Carr

VI. New Business

a. Re-introduction of Corridor O Bill

b. US 220 Tier 2 funding request revisit

c. Turn removal projects using local DOH

VII. Regional Issues

VIII. Citizens Concerns

IX. Volunteer host site for next meeting – Grant County

X. Adjourn

Tentative Meeting Schedule

21 January 2009 – Grant County

18 March 2009 – Garrett County

15 July 2009 – Preston County

16 September 2009 – Taylor County

18 November 2009 – Hampshire County

20 January 2010 – Mineral County

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Letter to Preston County Commission

September 8th, 2008

Mr. Dave Price
Preston County Commission
Courthouse Annex
106 West Main Street, Suite 202
Kingwood, WV 26537

Dear Mr. Price

This is in reference to our letter, dated July 25, 2008, regarding that the Division of Highways was in the process of performing an analysis at the intersection of CR 24 and US 50; our findings are listed below.

Our District Four Traffic Department indicated that the accident rate for this intersection was very low, much lower than the statewide average. Due to the steep grade on CR 24, it would be very expensive to re-align this intersection to a "T" configuration, and statewide, this project would not likely be a high priority.

On August 22, 2008, our District Four Traffic Engineering Section advised that they provided a stop bar coming out from the WV 24 to attract attention of approaching motorists. They enlarged the existing stop sign and put red insert for nighttime visibility, along with installing "Stop Ahead Signs" on WV 24. They relocated the existing stop sign 24 feet towards US 50, to encourage stopped vehicles to stop at correct location. They extended the double yellow centerline on WV 24 to 55 feet towards US 50. They also installed intersection warning sign on US 50. Our Traffic Engineer will continue to monitor the intersection in the future.

Thank you for writing and sharing your constituent's concern. Should you, or the US 50 Association, need any additional information, please contact our District Four Traffic Engineering Section, Mr. Dean Chipps or Mr. Fouad Shoukry, at Post Office Box 4220, Clarksburg, West Virginia 26302-4220 or by phone at (304) 842-1500 for Mr. Dean Chipps or (304) 204-6501 for Mr. Shoukry.


Paul A. mattox, Jr. P.E.
Secretary of Transportation/Commission of Highways.

Taylor County Sept. 17th, 2008 Minutes


September 17, 2008

Recorded Attendees: Gary Howell – Mineral County, Wayne Spiggle-Mineral County Commission, Arvin Harsh – Preston County, Bill Wood – WVDOH – Charleston, Mona Ridder – MCDA, David Gobel – Taylor County Commission, Marli Jenkins – Taylor Co. Library, Tony Veltri – Taylor County Commission, Paul Elder – Taylor County Chamber of Commerce, Roger Russell WVDOC Charleston, Marc Bashoor – Mineral County OEM, Bob Williams – Taylor County,

Introductions: Taylor County Commissioner Tony Veltri opened the meeting and made the introductions welcoming everyone to the meeting. The meeting was then turned over to Wayne Spiggle who took the time to thank Secretary Gary Howell for taking care of the agenda and minutes.

Correspondence: Arvin Harsh presented the group with a copy of a letter received in response to our request that the intersection of US 50 and WV 24 in Preston County be upgraded for safely. The letter from Paul Mattox stated that the WVDOH District 4 Engineering Section had looked at the intersection. While due to expense, realignment at this time would not be a priority.

The went on to further state they had installed stop bars on WV 24 to alert drivers for the approaching intersection and stop. They relocated the stop sign on WV 24 to improve driver vision by stopping in a better location to observe traffic before pulling on to US 50. The double yellow line on US 50 has been extended to reduce the possibility of vehicles passing while coming into the intersection.

The group asked since the speed limit on US 50 is 55mph through the intersection of WV 24 and it drops to 40 mph just west of the intersection would it be possible to drop the speed limit just east of the WV 24 to reduce speed through the WV 24 intersection. Bill Woods indicated this could be a possibility especially since that is where US 50 enters Aurora State Park.

As the discussion progressed Taylor County Commissioner Dave Gobel asked why someone has to be hurt or killed before the state will spend money in our area. He went on to point out that US 50 has been closed east of Bridgeport for a slide for close to half a year.

Old Business: H.R. 4827 was discussed. While Cate Johnson of Congressman Mollohan’s (WV-1) office and Chris Strovel of Congresswoman Shelley Capito’s (WV-2) office were unable to attend, they did send information stating the bill would probably not move forward in this congressional session. Gary Howell asked that the group request the bill be reintroduced for the next congressional session. This bi-partisan bill will provide Appalachian Development Highway System money for a US 220 north-south corridor between Corridor H (US 48) and Interstate 68. The connection could construct a section of US 50 as a 4-lane where US 50 and US 220 overlap.

Gary Howell presented a draft of the US 50 brochure. The brochure includes a brief history of the highway and US 50 Association. It includes attractions located along the route as well as contact information for both the group and the Visitor Bureaus’ in each county along the route. Also included are photos from 1942 and 2008 of Macomber turn.

The group was asked to make notes and get back to Gary Howell on possible changes and improvements to the brochure. Bill Woods of WVDOH presented some brochures to be used for reference. Wayne Spiggle asked Gary Howell to send digital copies of the draft brochure out to the members of the association and if he could have a final draft ready for the November meeting. Howell indicated he would work towards that goal.

New Business:

It was discussed if the state should look at changing WV 279, which is a modern 4-lane highway connecting Interstate 79 to US 50 east of Bridgeport to US 50. This would allow through traffic to use the modern road instead of traveling through downtown Bridgeport.

Bill Woods of WVDOH indicated with US 50 being closed on the east side of Bridgeport that the traffic was already using WV 279 for that purpose and the state was already thinking about the idea of changing WV 279 to US 50.

Wayne Spiggle didn’t think it was appropriate for the US 50 Association to get involved without asking the Bridgeport business community. Marc Bashoor suggested the possibility of changing WV 279 to US 50 and marking the old road as “US 59 Business.” Bill Woods stated that the WVDOH frowned on 2 different routes with the same number.

A short review of how successful the US 50 Association has been with getting its project list moved forward with the WVDOH. Bill Woods stated, the US 50 Association is ahead of other groups in the state. You have a voice in Charleston that we are aware of.

The following US 50 Association projects are moving forward or have been updated through WVDOH.

Romney Bridge replacement work is to start in November of this year. The road closure east of Bridgeport is to be fully repaired by next month. The center turn lane project east of Romney has been terminated and will have to be re-examined. The intersection of County Route 12 and US 50 in Hampshire County will have a turn lane installed. A traffic light will be installed at the WV School for the Deaf and Blind in November of next year. The Belgian Hill project in Taylor County will start in January of 2009. Replacement of the Ellifritz Run Bridge near New Creek in Mineral County is also scheduled to start in January lf 09. Installation of center lane reflectors in high fog areas along US 50 is being completed as paving projects progress.

Mineral County Day projects were discussed to make sure they are in sync with the US 50 Association. One project that both the US 50 Association and Mineral County has been requesting is moving forward.

Bill Woods indicated that extending WV 93 to Keyser is moving forward. Memo’s requesting Federal approval to double sign US 50 as US 50 and WV 93 between the current terminus in Claysville and New Creek have been sent and they expect no problem with approval. WV 972 between US 50 thru New Creek to the Blue Jay Bridge where it connects with US 220 will cease to exist and will become WV 93. The new northern terminus of WV 93 will be at the intersection of US 220 at the Blue Jay Bridge.

Woods stated the state would not extend WV 93 to the Maryland border at Keyser because it would be overlapped with US 220. Gary Howell asked if and when a new US 220 is built would the existing US 220 become WV 93. He said that would be likely, but no decision would be made until the need arose.

Along US 50 at the new school in Taylor County it was stated that sight distance needed to be improved. Dave Gobel stated that the sight distance improvement should have been part of the existing project in that area. It was suggested that a letter be written requesting that be included in the current project as it may be able to be added to the current contract.

Taylor County Commissioner Tony Veltri thanked everybody for attending the meeting.

November Meeting:

Mineral County is next on the schedule to host the November 19th meeting a t a place to be determined.

Meeting Adjourned at 1:57

Tentative Meeting Schedule

19 November 2008 - Mineral County

21 January 2009 – Grant County

18 March 2009 – Garrett County

15 July 2009 – Preston County

16 September 2009 – Taylor County

18 November 2009 – Hampshire County

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Taylor County Sept. 17th, 2008 Agenda

September 17th, 2008

Taylor County Meeting Agenda

Tygart Lake State Park

Tygart Lodge

Rt. 1 Box 260
Grafton, WV 26354

I. 12:00 Lunch

II. 1:00 Introductions

III. Minutes of Previous Meeting

IV. Correspondence

V. Old Business

a. H. R. 4827 Co-Sponsor Update –Cate Johnson, Chris Strovel

b. US 50 brochure – Gary Howell

VI. New Business

a. Changing WV 279 to US 50 in Harrison County

b. Review US 50 Assoc. project request progress

c. Mineral County Day Charleston & US 50 – Gary Howell

d. Taylor County Issues

VII. Regional Issues

VIII. Citizens Concerns

IX. Volunteer host site for next meeting – Mineral County

X. Adjourn

Tentative Meeting Schedule

19 November 2008 - Mineral County

21 January 2009 – Grant County

18 March 2009 – Garrett County

15 July 2009 – Preston County

16 September 2009 – Taylor County

18 November 2009 – Hampshire County

Wednesday, July 30, 2008






Sandy Myers (540) 332-9201

July 25, 2008

Cellular: (540) 292-2500



STAUNTON – A portion of Route 50 (Northwestern Pike) in the Hayfield area of Frederick County, 4.5 miles west of Winchester will be closed for railroad crossing improvements. This location is at the Winchester and Western railroad crossing, .1 mile west of Route 614.

The closure schedule is:

August 8 at noon, Route 50 eastbound from Route 615 to Route 614 will close.

August 8 at 7 p.m., Route 50 westbound from Route 614 to Route 615 will close. This will leave all Route 50 lanes closed from Route 614 to Route 615

All lanes of Route 50 will open by 5 a.m. on August 11.

Detour routes will be marked with signs.

Detour routes for eastbound and westbound passenger vehicles will use Route 600 and Route 614. The detour is approximately four miles long, adding five to ten minutes travel time.

Route 50 eastbound truck traffic will detour onto Route 600 north to Route 684 east to Route 522 south to Route 37 south to Route 50.

Route 50 westbound truck traffic will travel to Route 37 to Route 522 north to Route 684 south to Route 600 south to Route 50 west.

Temporary traffic signals will be installed to manage traffic movements at both the Route 50 and Route 600 intersection and at the Route 600 and Route 614 intersection. Motorists should expect single-lane traffic at these intersections. On August 8 from noon to 7 p.m. the traffic control plans may be altered slightly for truck detour routes and flagging on Route 50.

This closure is due to railroad work being performed by the Winchester and Western Railroad. All work is weather permitting. Motorists should use extreme caution when traveling through the work zone and on the detour routes.

Traffic alerts and traveler information can be obtained by dialing 511. In areas where 511 is unavailable, dial 1-866-MY511VA (695-1182). (TTY/TDD users, call 711). Traffic alerts and traveler information also are available at

Highway safety is everyone’s responsibility. Virginia’s highway safety partnership — the Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and Virginia State Police — challenges you to help prevent highway fatalities. Buckle up. Avoid distractions. Share the road. Drive drug- and alcohol-free. Obey speed limits. For more information on the Highway Safety Challenge and things you can do to avoid becoming Virginia’s next traffic fatality, visit


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Correspondence From Congressman Mollohan on US 50/WV 24 Intersection

Mr. Arvin Harsh
Rural route 1, Box 329
Eglon, WV 26716-9713

Dear Mr. Harsh,

The Commission of the West Virginia Division of Highways has responded to my recent inquiry regarding the intersection of Route 50 and Route 24 in Preston County. Enclosed is a copy of the report I just received.

I trust you will find the Commissioner's comments responsive to your concerns. Should I receive additional reports about this matter, I will share them with you. If I can be of assistance in some other way, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

Most sincerely,
Alan B. Mollohan

Enclosed letter;

The Honorable Alan B. Mollohan
United States House of Representatives
Room 209-211, Post Office Building
Post Office Box 1400
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26302-1400

Dear Congressman Mollohan:

Thank you for your letter, dated March 24, 2008, on behalf of Mr. Arvin Harsh regarding the intersection of CR 50 and CR 24 in Preston County.

Our District Four Design Engineer has advised that the Division of Highways is currently performing an analysis of the intersection. They will review the accident data, the current geometry of the intersection, and determine if we can make a reasonable improvement to it. Converting this intersection to a "T" intersection would be very costly due to the extreme grade separation between US 50, and CR 24. This review will take approximately 60 to 90 days to complete. Once the review has been completed, a member of my staff will advise you of their findings and of any actions to be implemented.

Again, thank you for writing and sharing your consituent's concerns. I appreciate your continued support and interest in highway issues. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Paul A. Mattox, Jr., P.E.
for Secretary of Transportation/
Commisioner of Highways

July 2008 Minutes, Hampshire County Meeting

Recorded Attendees: Gary Howell – Mineral County, Wayne Spiggle-Mineral County Commission, Arvin Harsh – Preston County, Cate Johnson – Congressman Mollohan’s Office, Ashley Paxson – Congresswoman Capito’s Office, Robert Hott – Hampshire County Commission, Gary Dove – Frederick County Board of Supervisors, Evelyn Baker – Hampshire County, Charles Baker – Hampshire County Planner, Clyde Burdock – Mineral County Planning Commission President, Jerry Copp – VDOT, Betty Spiggle – Mineral County, Alex Bridges – Northern Virginia Daily, Bobbie Carpenter – News Tribune, Bob Fisher – MDSHA, Brian Carr – WVDOH Charleston, Bill Wood – WVDOH – Charleston, Mona Ridder – MCDA.

Introductions: Hampshire County Commissioner Robert Hott opened the meeting. Mineral County Commissioner Wayne Spiggle made the introductions welcoming everyone to the meeting. Pointing out that for the first time representatives from the departments responsible for highways in MD, VA & WV were all present.

Correspondence: Arvin Harsh presented the group with a copy of a letter received in response to our request that the intersection of US 50 and WV 24 in Preston County be upgraded for safety. The letter from Congressman Mollohan’s office included a copy of a letter received to his office from WVDOT head Paul Mattox. The group elected to follow up with a thank you letter.

Brian Carr said when they looked at the statistics for the intersection and stated that it was low for accidents and low for truck traffic which is the primary problem with the intersection. Arvin stated that there had been 3 deaths at the intersection in the last 4 years. Bill Wood stated the normally the department only looks at 3 years of data, but said that WVDOH would coordinate on a local level for more information. The states records showed that westbound sight distance was the primary cause of problems with the intersection.

Wayne received correspondence from West Virginians for Better Transportation, but it was not available at the meeting. It will be posted on the US 50 blog.

Old Business: H.R. 4827 was discussed. Cate Johnson of Congressman Mollohan’s (WV-1) office said the only movement on the bill was the co-sponsoring by Congresswoman Shelley Capito (WV-2). This does give the bill bipartisan support in the house. Gary Howell was asked to explain the bill to attendees not present at previous meetings and did so.

Bill Wood explained the US 50 closure for the past 4 months listed as Taylor County was actually on the Harrison County side of the county line and expected it to be closed for at least another 2 months. He recommended contacting WVDOH District 4 for more up to date information.

The Jersey Mountain stop light project has been put on hold. It was being pushed primarily by former WV House member Jerry Mezzatesta. WVDOH currently does not see a need for a light in that area with current traffic statistics. Carr suggested that the US 50 Association or the Hampshire County Commission request a new study since the current one is now 4 years old and new data may change their findings.

Commissioner Hott stated that pulp wood truck drivers were opposed to a light at that location because of having to stop on the hill. Evelyn Baker pointed out that Hampshire High School was adjacent to the area and could benefit from the added safety of the traffic light. A frontage road was also discussed to collect the traffic before it went to varies entrances and funnel it to one area to make a light more effective. Carr stated while this would be a functional option, it does increase the cost with addition of a new road requiring the purchasing of property and closing existing entrances.

New Business: Gary Howell requested input on the US 50 Brochure that the group plans to publish. Bill Woods suggested that I primary focus on tourism along the route as many people travel it for scenic and historic value. It was suggest putting a history of the route along with a brief history of the US 50 Association. Gary also requested that each county submit a list of historic places along US in their county, but only those places directly on US 50.

Jerry Copp of VDOT presented a very good presentation of how Virginia builds and maintains its roads. By state statute a board distributes funds to the various districts based on perceived need. A portion of each district funds are set for secondary roads, those funds are allocated by a county board made of local citizens who hold public hearings.

Jerry went on to say that VDOT does not have US 50 west of Winchester high on the list for improvement, but that could change if the current conditions change.

Jerry also stated that the district had requested cameras be placed on the VA/WV line on US 50 and US 522 to monitor traffic flow and weather conditions. The cameras would be available via the internet. The US 50 Association stated it would write a letter in support of a camera location on US 50 at the state line.

VDOT thanked both, WVDOH and the US 50 Association, for working with them on a road closure when the rail road track crossings were replaced on US 50. He said that WVDOH did a good job providing detour route signs, and the US 50 Association did a good job disseminating the information to the local press. He also noted that a similar closure will possibly occur in August for the replacement of another crossing near Hayfield, VA

Evelyn Baker spoke briefly about an alternate route for US 50 on behalf of State Senator John Unger. Unger not being present and a meeting with Hampshire County officials forthcoming, Evelyn requested the matter be tabled until all parties had been contacted.

Brian Carr stated that the WVDOH had made just a visual look at the proposed route that follows WV 29 and VA/WV 127 to US 522 and that while it would be easier to build from a construction stand point; it would add 5 miles to the current route. He suggested that the US 50 Association request a preliminary study from the WVDOH on both the new route and the existing route for upgrade to 4-lanes.

Regional Issues: VDOT stated as to Corridor H that Virginia decided, in 1995, not to participate in the Corridor H project. That was 13 years ago, but the current plan for the next 6 years has nothing for Corridor H. No preliminary studies are planned to look for a possible route. If when WV completes its portion and a large amount of traffic is using VA’s 2-lane section of the road, then VA will look to see if a study is warranted to see if a study for a new road should be planned.

Bob Fisher of MDSHA announced that new high intensity warning lights would replace the existing warning light system at the intersection of US 50 and US 219 near Red House, MD. The upgrades would also include new warning signs for the intersection. This project should be complete within the next 4 weeks.

Paving projects along US 50 in Maryland have been delayed do to the rising cost of asphalt and the rising cost of fuel. They will try to complete the projects this year, but they may be delayed until spring.

Gary Dove of the Frederick County Board of Supervisors told the group he was glad he attended the meeting and that it was very informative.

September Meeting:

Taylor County is next on the schedule to host the September 17th meeting at a place to be determined.

Meeting Adjourned at 1:59

Tentative Meeting Schedule

17 September 2008 - Taylor County

19 November 2008 - Mineral County