Recorded Attendees: Gary Howell – Mineral County Planning Commission, Charles Baker – Hampshire County Planning Commission, Evelyn Baker-Hampshire County, James Baker-Hampshire County, Wayne Spiggle-Mineral County Commission, Richard Fagley-Garrett County, Frank Whitacre-Hampshire County Assessor, Mona Ridder-Cumberland Times-News, Bob Fisher MDSHA, Lotta Neer – Congressman Mollohan’s Office, Cindy Wetzel – Grant County Administrator, David Sypolt – Senator WV14th District, Thomas Conlon - Allegany County, Robert Hott – Hampshire County.
Opening & Introductions: Lunch took place at the Hermitage in Petersburg, WV. Cindy Wetzel welcomed everyone to the meeting. A specific welcome was made to Senator Sypolt.
Old Business:
Discussion was held about Senator Clark Barnes, WV 15th District, offer to set up a meeting between the committee and WV Senator Byrd. It was suggested that when meeting with Senator Byrd, that the ultimate goal of a 4-lane US 50 be stressed. Further that US 50 is the most dangerous road in WV per mile driven. Senator Barnes not being in attendance further discussion was tabled until he could be contacted.
Wayne Spiggle spoke that due to a schedule conflict the WV Better Roads group could not attend, but expressed the US 50 Association should consider joining the group if they so desired.
The power point presentation being headed up by Ken Musgrave is not ready at this time.
New Business:
Frank Whitacre said the group needed to put together a map from the Virginia Line to Clarksburg showing all crash data. The map would be color coded for different types of crashes, with fatalities being represented by purple crosses. Frank went on to suggest a website be put together with an interactive map. Visitors to the site could click on the different icons to get details about the type of crash that occurred at that location with data as to cause. Frank also states that while WVDOH has the data it can not release it and that it must be obtained from each individual investigating agency. Charlie Baker stated he had already compiled that data from both Hampshire and Mineral County and would see what he could get for the other counties. Bob Fisher said that Maryland SHA had the data, but not at the level of detail Mr. Whitacre requested, and that it could be released to the public as long as the were no pending legal cases. Gary Howell asked if the information should not be targeted specifically at the people that could make changes to the road. While the information is important to all, the legislatures and those that live along the road should be the primary focus of information so they can push for changes.
Bob Hott asked about pushing for lesser improvements, and could increased enforcement of the traffic laws could help. Bob Fisher said it is the 3 “E’s” Education of the driver, Enforcement of the Laws, and Engineering of the road that makes for safe operation of the highways and that all 3 must be looked at. He went on to state that if funding was made available it would be 10 to 15 years for the first shovel of dirt was turned.
Senator Sypolt suggested that Senator Unger be invited to attend a future meeting as he is the head of the transportation subcommittee.
Thomas Conlon also attended the meeting and gave a brief history of the US 40 Association which eventually led to the building of Interstate 68 and that the group should continue to push forward.
Citizen Concerns: None
March Meeting:
Garrett County is next on the schedule to host the May 16th meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:54.